LABELS - Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hello, students! How are you today? I hope all of you are healthy. Please stay safe and obey the health protocol. Nah...hari ini kita akan belajar tentang "Label" nih. Namun, jangan lupa berdoa yaa sebelum memulai pembelajaran.

Sudah berdoa kan? Oke, mari kita mulai.

Apakah kalian pernah melihat label pada suatu produk seperti makanan, minuman, obat-obatan? Saya yakin kalian pasti sudah sangat familiar dengan hal tersebut. Seperti pada gambar di atas, itu adalah salah satu contoh label yang terdapat pada jajan kesukaan kalian kan? hehehe...


So, "What is labels?"

A label is a piece of paper, plastic film, fabric, metal, or other material adhered to a container or product and on which information or symbols regarding the product or item are written or printed. A label is used to give information about the product. It usually put on the back of most products. So, by reading the labels, people will know whether the product is good to consume or not.

-Social Functions-


Lalu, sebenarnya apa sih fungsi dari label pada setiap produk?

There are several social functions of food, drink, medicine labels:

    1.  to give detailed information of the product,
    2. to choose food/beverage/medicine which is suitable and safe,
    3. to avoid negative effects of food/beverage/medicine,
    4. to get the best results of medication.
 -Generic Structure-

Nah..setelah mengetahui pengertian dan fungsinya, sekarang kita akan membahas bagian-bagian atau generic structure yang ada di label yaaa...

So, a label contains:

  • Name of the product
  • Name of the brand
  • Description of the product
  • The ingredients/the contents
  • The nutrition facts
  • Suggested uses/does
  • Storage
  • Expiry date

Untuk memahami generic structure dari sebuah label, berikut contoh yang bisa saya berikan. I put this examples from the other website, I feel that this can make you guys more understand.

Here's the example:

1. Food label

2. Drink label


3. Medicine label

cr example:

Gimana setelah melihat contoh di atas? Semoga lebih paham yaaa...

-Language Features-

There are several language features that used in the label:

  1. Terms used in the product: serving size, servings per container, dosage, daily values.
  2. Using imperative sentence (Command and Prohibition) (examples: Keep the syrup in a dry place, Keep away from children, Don't accept the product if the seal is broken, Don't consume after expired date, etc)
  3.  Noun phrases (example: significant source, dietary fibre, saturated fat)
Alright guys, how about the material today? are you guys understand? I hope you understand today's material. However, if there is still thing that you haven't understand, please let me know and don't hesitate to ask, okay? You can write question(s) in the comments section, or WhatsApp Group, or even through PC to my WhatsApp.

I think that's all from me about "Labels" material. Thank you for your attendance. Have a nice day, everybody!!! DON'T FORGET TO FILL THE ATTENDANCE LIST THROUGH GOOGLE FORM THAT I SHARED :))

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


Miss Arifa
